Adelaide Schools introduces Omeo Primary School in Omeo, for all your education and learning needs.
Omeo Primary School is located in the High Country of East Gippsland 120 kilometres north of Bairnsdale. The school, established in 1866, is centrally located in the middle of the town. Three contract bus runs converge daily at Omeo Primary School where two buses continue on taking Secondary College students to Swifts Creek.
Students participate in a wide range of interschool sporting activities, on occasions joining with Swifts Creek students to form a combined High Country Team. Parental support is very strong in these activities, often helping with transport. The school provides a skiing program over four weeks during term three each year.
We strive to create a learning environment where staff, families and students work together to provide the best opportunities for all our students. Each child is special, unique, learns differently, has different interests and as a school we need to provide for these differences. As a school we endeavour to equip students with skills, attitudes and values which will allow them to be confident, compassionate participants in a global world.
Welcome to Omeo Primary School one of the popular educators in your Omeo area. Our aim is help you in your learning journey.
We endeavour to celebrate each other's uniqueness by providing opportunity for all and to develop a culture that identifies that the journey towards excellence is often paved with trial and error, risk taking, learning from mistakes, flexibility and adaptability. We believe that encouraging students to take ownership of the learning is critical in achieving the best learning outcomes and that implicit in this concept is that students learn their own areas of strength and areas of development, through useful and explicit feedback.
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