Adelaide Schools introduces Henderson College in Irymple, for all your education and learning needs.
Henderson College aim to nurture students in a Christian environment and to empower them to be responsible citizens with the necessary initiative, resilience and independence to face the challenges in today’s fast changing world with confidence.
At Henderson College we provide a safe and happy environment for your child to learn within a supportive community. Our enthusiastic, highly professional teaching team focus on nurturing the strengths of our students. We provide our older students with peer support training and encourage them to participate in mentoring their younger schoolmates.
The foundation of our approach to educating your child is our secure and nurturing school environment. We create this environment through appreciation for individual needs, respect for the children in our care and support for their values and opinions. Through this approach we will help your child to reach their full potential whilst developing self-esteem and an appreciation for the needs of others.
Welcome to Henderson College one of the popular educators in your Irymple area. Our aim is help you in your learning journey.
We endeavour to celebrate each other's uniqueness by providing opportunity for all and to develop a culture that identifies that the journey towards excellence is often paved with trial and error, risk taking, learning from mistakes, flexibility and adaptability. We believe that encouraging students to take ownership of the learning is critical in achieving the best learning outcomes and that implicit in this concept is that students learn their own areas of strength and areas of development, through useful and explicit feedback.
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